Brotherhood of the Peach & Hammer printable dwarf army
👤 HuMaN PeRSoN
The Brotherhood of the Peach & Hammer is a sect of elite dwarves that have embraced the essence of dwarfhood by rejecting the chains of clothed society! they're unrestrained and ready to chew up any enemies that come near!
This set of paper minis comes with:
- a full unit of dwarf marksmen.
- a full unit of ironbeards
- a full unit of oldbeard veterans
- a champion dwarf hero
- a berserker lord hero
- armored whirlybird papercraft + instructions
plus black and white line versions of every unit.
SPECS: 11"/8" paper size, 300 DPI, 28mm/32mm scale
A ready-to-print PDF.
19.8 MB
11 pages
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